S Loyalty: Loyalty Suite - Impressive Customer Faith

S Loyalty: Loyalty Suite - Impressive Customer Faith

What is it?
A very easy to install software, S Loyalty allows an online store owner to secure considerable customer loyalty and connect them to come back every time and become true advocates for the brand.

How does it work?

Loyalty Suite is especially designed to meet necessities of different business, enabling each businessman to create his customized loyalty program, suiting his store. It helps increase customer loyalty and sales by offering gifts and incentives. Customers are also rewarded for many other valuable actions like referrals, newsletter signups, and purchases. It attracts customers to get rewarded by actions like writing reviews, following store owners Facebook fan page etc.

What is the benefit to my business?
Loyalty Suite can be easily created in minutes through loyalty and referral program. It runs smoothly with the help of automatic email alerts for engaging and fulfilling the rewards redemption. Through bulk coupon code creation, one can easily design his one-time codes for coupon with which his customers can redeem their rewards. Every coupon code is unique for each reward. Points from any member’s account can easily be added or subtracted, which allows online business owners to plan rewarding his customers for various actions. Auto-reminder emails of this system remind customers and lead them to get back to the store to which they owe rewards after accumulating sufficient points, to redeem their rewards. Counting on past orders import, reward can be planned for previous purchase as well - be it any date when the purchase took place.

How much does it cost?
To fully activate one’s customized version of this software, and get it going, one needs to incur a per-month expense of $49.99 -$199, 99.

How we can help?
As an online store owner one can give his branding a whole new look and feel. Rewarding his customers for their points accumulated with each purchase motivates his customers to come back to his store every time, whereby he makes huge increase in sale.