How I led as a GM even before I had the title

The days of expecting members of your team to respect you just because you have a certain title are long gone. You don’t need a fancy title to lead and even if you are given a title like ‘General Manager’ it doesn’t guarantee you can lead of diverse team of professionals.

I knew that I was going to move into the General Manager role nearly a year before I did. The founder was doing succession planning and had earmarked for me to step into a new General Manager role because he was finding juggling his many businesses increasingly difficult. I began to lead like a GM from that day.

Irrespective of whether you are going to become the General Manager of the business you are working for, you can still act like a GM and show to those around you - how you lead. Leader can influence. If you can influence the outcome without the title, this shows your leadership and clearly demonstrates that you are a future leader.

Here is what I did and some of these tips might work for you as well:

  • Treat the business, as though its your own - Have a founders mindset

    I have a founders mindset. After owning my own businesses I always treat any company I work with or for as though it’s my own. This then becomes the litmus test against which I assess each business decision. I think “if this was my money/business/team, would I spend it doing X?”. If you wouldn’t spend your own money on that initiative you have to seriously question whether you should be agreeing that that project or initiative. Showing the founder or leadership that you make sound, well thought through decisions, will give them the confidence to trust you to be autonomous and with time the freedom to make the decisions without running it up the ladder. Here are some ways you can treat the business like your own:

    • Learn all areas of the business

    • Think about suggestions for improvement across all areas of the business

    • Share ways your team can work better with those around them

    • Contribute the vision and strategy of the business

    • If you get a gap, step it and fill it

  • Set the right example- WALK THE TALK

    I always treat everyone the same way I expect to be treated. I also ensure that I fully embrace the core values of the organisation. I lead by example and I try to demonstrate these core values in all my interactions.. Your team is always looking at how you treat each member of the team. I always show the same respect for everyones opinion and feedback no matter where they are in the hierarchy (note that I don’t believe in hierarchy for the sake of it). I never expect more of anyone else on my team than I expect of myself. If you decide to implement a new process, do it first. If you need the team to work longer hours as a one off, work those hours too. Don’t have one standard for yourself and another standard for your team.

  • Demonstrate technical competence - KNOW YOUR STUFF

    If you would like to influence and lead those around you, you need to know your stuff. This doesn’t mean that you have to know everything about every domain space in the business. But you do need to know enough to have informed conversations and to participate in decision making. Be curious, learn about all areas of the business, particularly the other functions that you interact with regularly. Be sure to back up your opinions with data and research. Be sure to know your own domain space or business function well. You can share your intuition and your experience but it will be more meaningful if you can substantiate it with some external proof. You want others in the organisation to see you as a domain expert, as the person to come to who is willing to share their experience and ideas openly the benefit of the the entire organisation. Here is how you can become a domain expert:

    • Attend training courses - internal and external

    • Listen to podcasts

    • Reads books on your domain space and those you interact with

    • Read industry websites, blogs and news sites

    • Attend meet ups and join groups related to your domain space

    • Blog about what you learn and share it with others

  • CELEBRATE SUCCESS - Be a cheerleader

    You don’t need to be a team lead or a manager to cheer on those around you. I made cheerleading one of my primary activities. If you see anyone doing something well, be it thinking outside the box, showing initiative, going the extra mile, being innovative, or keeping a customer happy - point it out and celebrate it. Effective leaders, cheer people on. They shout out the success of others. They make their teammates shine. They make sure everyone in the organisation knows how great that person it. A leader doesn’t boast about their own success. They acknowledge the contributions of the team. There are lots of ways you can cheer on your team mates:

    • Send a congratulatory email

    • Shout out in an open Slack channel

    • Give a high five if using 15Five

    • Give Karmabot points in Slack

    • Call out in team meetings

    • Set up a weekly celebration meeting where team members can share about success in terms of outcomes, living the core values, mini achievements etc

  • Have a positive attitude - FOCUS ON WHAT IS WORKING WELL

    No one likes being around a person who is negative. It can bring down the whole mood of the team. The reality is that all businesses face challenges, nothing is ever perfect, there is always more to be done or too much to be done. As a leader you can’t get bogged down in the negative. You need to choose to be positive. You need to call out and build on what is working well. You need to build up your team to see change and challenges in a positive way. Help your team to develop a clear path for how they will addresses the challenges so that they don’t feel insurmountable and the team can see a way forward to a better day. Choosing to be positive is a mindset. Every time you interact with your team start by smiling - it will make you feel happier. Before sharing negative or challenging news, share something positive first. Then end on something positive. This way the team will come away from interactions with you feeling uplifted instead of defeated. Here are some ideas for how you can stay positive:

    • Keep a list of the teams achievements - reread it and share it at team meetings

    • Share other successes you hear about in the organisation and discuss how your team contributed to that success

    • Smile and laugh often during meeting

    • When sharing different news - start with positive new, hard news, then positive news

  • Take on extra responsibility and ownership for your actions - GET SHIT DONE

    Put up your hand for new project or initiatives and then take ownership for getting it delivered. People respect people that get shit done. Don’t just talk about it. Do it. Don’t just recommend an improvement, make it happen. People respect people who take accountability for their actions. If you make a mistake, own it. If your idea fails, own it. Inspect why it failed, learn from it and move on. Be brave and experiment, try new things, don’t accept the status quo in your team. Here are some ideas for how your can take on extra responsibility:

    • Within your team - put up your hand for new projects

    • Make suggestions for new ways of works and offering to implement the change

  • care FOR your team - RESPECT AND NURTURE THEM

    You need to deeply care about your team. You need to care about whether they feel successful, about whether they are enjoying their job and about whether they feel supported. Everyone, at all levels of the organisation can do this. Check in with your team mates and see how they are feeling. If they are struggling, offer to help. Simply asking “Are you ok?” can be a way to open a conversation and gives you an avenue to offer support. Your team mates are not machines. They are living, breathing humans with a world of emotion. Create a safe space where expressing your emotions and your feelings is ok. Give team mates a space to rant, deal and move on. A leader is there to listen and everyone can offer an ear to simply listen. You don’t need to fix it.

  • Be open and approachable - OPEN DOOR POLICY

    Anyone can meet with me, slack me, email me or phone me anytime. Let your team mates know that you are available to chat, listen, or brainstorm. Being open and approachable lets people know that you create a safe space for them to share. Don’t cut people off, don’t do other things while someone is sharing, give your team mates your full attention. Make time via one on one’s or another mechanism to meet with your team mates to share ideas, learn and grow together. I would also end every Huddle or workshop with the offer to reach out to me personally. I am always to happen to spend more team with members of the team to ensure that they have understood or give them space to share this opinion.

  • Communicate often with your team AND ACROSS THE ORGANISATION

    Leaders are good communicators. They make sure that they communicate well and often. This communication needs to happen with the teams that are leading and across the organisation. Learn the way that communication happens within the organisation and dovetail into that. If your team isn’t communicating well, makes suggestions for how the team should share information, learning and ideas better. Put up your hand to take responsibility for communicating with key stakeholders. Think of innovative ways to share what your team is doing - consider a newsletter, open slack channel, lunch and learn, dashboard, noticeboard, talk to boards. There are endless ways you can improve comms within teams and between teams. Find what works for your organisation. I liked to share the achievements, action items, challenges etc for my team in the company wide Huddle (all hands meeting). I would also drop into other teams meetings to give them an easy avenue to ask questions to make sure that they had the latest information relate to Product or Customer Success.

  • Always be learning and sharing what you learn - BE A LEARNER

    Good leaders are life long learners, their learning does not stop once they finish university. There are so many ways we can learn today - books, online courses, blogs, training, conferences, workshops, social media and more. Don’t be selfish about what you learn share it. Use your learning to enrich your team and the entire organisation. If you team is struggling, then step up. Going and learn new ways to work, problem solves, collaborate and then come back and share it with your team. There are lots of ways you can share your learning - run a webinar, hold a lunch and learn, give a presentation, facilitate a workshop or hold a brainstorming session. If you find a good blog or podcast - share it with everyone. Share the summary notes on your internal wiki. Use your creativity and make learning fun. A number of times I would research leading edge methodologies and then bring them into the organisation I am working for. I would read books and provide the summary for the team. Other times we would all attend the same online training course and then meet regularly to share what we learned.

Think and act like a leader at every chance you get. Be humble and be a servant. Find news ways to make your team better, share and share again.

What I learned from leading a customer service team through the COVID-19 pandemic

COVID-19 caught the world by surprise. When the leadership team sat down to plan out projects to improve customer support in early January we never expected an epidemic or pandemic that would see us re-direct our entire management team to focussing on customer support during the height of the crisis.

I was leading a customer service team providing traveller support services to 4 travel insurance brands, with a service offering that includes live chat, email and phone support to travellers 5 days per week (emergency assistance is provided 24x7 by our assistance partner). 

The COVID-19 pandemic changed rapidly over a very short timeframe. We began hearing about the virus in the international press early in January after the China office of the WHO reported the virus in Wuhan on 31st December. On the 20 January it was confirmed that the virus could be transmitted person to person. On the 31st of January the World Health organisation declared the virus a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. In China, more than 7700 cases had been confirmed, and 170 people had died. There were 82 additional cases confirmed in 18 countries. It took only a month for the virus to go global and to start impacting travel. 

Leverage existing processes first

We had practices in place to assist travellers when events look like they are going to impact travel plans. We notify our travellers via travel alerts on the purchase path and via social media when there are volcanoes like the recent White Island volcanic eruption in New Zealand or when there are major airlines strikes or insolvency that can cause our travellers disruption. When faced with a rapidly changing epidemic, we followed our standard processes but we quickly realised that we needed to do more, to ensure our travellers were cared for. 

Every new situation as an opportunity to grow and learn. Here is what I learned from assisting travellers through the first two months of the COV-19 outbreak.

Respond early and respond fast 

In the face of uncertainty, start alerting customer even if you are unsure how they may potentially be impacted. It is better for customers to be informed so they can make the best decision, even if it doesn’t end up changing their travel plans. It is more important to use information provided by reliable sources, than speculation in tabloids. Rely heavily on the advice of the Australian Government websites like Service NSW, Smarttraveller and the NSW Health websites.

Existing customer alert processes needed enhancing 

Like most insurers we have travel alerts that run across the top of our content website and purchase path. These alerts are country specific. We quickly realised that travellers were missing these alerts despite how much they stand out. We then added a splash landing to the content website and pop ups on the purchase path to notify travellers of the travel alerts. This way we could ensure that travellers were seeing the alerts prior to purchase. 

We went further and sent an email after each policy purchase to inform travellers of the situation with corona virus. We wanted to ensure that travellers who were not aware during the policy purchase were made immediately aware after purchase and could access the 14 day cooling off period to cancel the policy. 

Increased support coverage was required 

As a team we completely empathised with travellers and we knew how anxious and uncertain that they must be feeling. We decided early in the crisis to increase the number of team members supporting travellers and to offer email support over the weekend. We committed to getting back to traveller as quickly as we could so that they would not be left wondering. Even in cases where we were sharing unhappy news, the travellers were thankful that we responded quickly with detailed information. We were able to maintain our traveller happiness score over our target of 75%. 

Technical flexibility is critical 

As a tech first insurance company we were able to leverage our technology platform and made changes fast. We were able to add pop ups, splash landing pages, add alerts and set up automated emails to help guide our travellers. At no point where we blocked from being able to get the message out to our travellers. 

Over communicate with customers

In a crisis you can never over communicate. We constantly adapted our tech and our processes to help travellers. We added travel alerts links to the bottom of all our support emails, we added a number of comprehensive guides to our support emails, we sent communications in our newsletters and as mentioned above we added splash pages and pop ups in addition to our travel alerts. 

Give travellers their money back 

Caring for our travellers comes before everything else. From day 1 of the crisis we made the decision to refund travellers who could longer travel or wished not to travel. It didn’t feel right to hold onto insurance premium at a time when there was so much uncertainty for our customers. 

Step up campaigns to educate travellers on the importance to taking our insurance the moment they book their trip 

Once the COVID-19 crisis dies down, w travel insurance brands will be stepping up our education of travellers on the importance of booking insurance at the same time you book your trip. This way you will not be caught out if a known event happens after you have booked your trip but before you are due to leave. This applies not only to epidemics and pandemics but also to natural disasters. 

We still don’t know what the eventual outcome of the COVID-19 will be but we will continue to ensure our customers are informed and supported through this challenging time.