Twitter for Your Small Business

With 255 million total users, more and more small businesses are utilizing Twitter to market their products and services. Why? Because Twitter makes marketing your business easy and ensures that you’re hitting a wider audience. The marketable audience on Twitter accounts for approximately 15% of all adults in Australia. This includes 26% of people between the ages of 18 and 29. Are you reaching the right people at the right time? Here’s how you can make the most of Twitter for your small business:

  1. Have a Robust Profile: Your Twitter profile picture is something your followers should recognize, i.e. a logo. Enhance your background with a custom image. In your bio tell people what you do, how you help people, and exactly who you are.

  2. Follow your customers: Let your customers know that you have a twitter account and when they follow you, follow them back.

  3. Ask for shares: Ask others to retweet you and chances are they will. In fact, there’s a 23x higher chance of being retweeted if you spell out the word “retweet.” Try it!

  4. Timing: Weekend engagement tends to be about 17% higher than weekdays. Users are also 181% more likely to be on twitter during their commute (at 9am and at 5pm), so schedule your tweets for those times.

  5. Use images: Tweets with image links get 2x the engagement rate.

  6. Keep your tweets short and sweet: Tweets with 120-130 characters often get a better response.

  7. Hashtags: Stay on top of industry trends and pay attention to what your audience is hashtagging. Tweets with hashtags get 2x more engagement.

To learn more about business tips – visit our website. And, of course, follow us on Twitter!