Tumblr for buisness

Tumblr for Buiness
In an Article he wrote for his blog, Elite Strategies CEO Patrick Coombe explains how Tumblr is different than most other social platforms. Even while it exhibits a lot of similarities. For example Coombe’s number 1 rule for Tumblr : “ do not treat it as a blog.” Even through you can post content on Tumblr that looks like a traditional blog.

Tumblr is becoming an increasingly important space for getting your brand noticed. Simply  Tumblr is an image blogging site. Users post interesting photos, video and other media to their followers, who can then share it with their followers as well.  Tumblr’s heavy importance on visual media and the low barriers to sharing content makes it a suitable choice for many consumer-based business.
Marvelously Tumblr shares similarities with Twitter, Instagram and traditional blogging sites. Users subscribe to followers who they are interested in, and content tat is produces or shared by their followers automatically goes to users homepage. The homepage is a cross between a timeline and a newsfeed and it resemblance to Twitters feeds.
The primary purpose of Tumblr is for sharing of photo and animated GIFs, while text post are still popular, most post focus on using text to supplement or explain the pictures or photos being shown. As a result some of the most successful industries on Tumblr provide great visuals. Industries such as movies, fashions, TV Shows and art are all very popular. This does not mean that other industries should not bother with Tumblr, but a reminder your content as visually engaging as possible.

Mind-bogglingly Tumblr can be imported to WordPress
Tumblr and WordPress belong to the 15 best blogging and publishing platforms on the Internet today. This means that they are very popular all over the world. But if you want to run a blog, you can choose only one, WordPress or Tumblr?
It is very easy to set up as run a blog on tumblr. But due to the fact that not suitable for long post, people use it to publish a single or shot amount of text.
With word press, it possible to develop and not only manage blogs but also websites, online store and other web projects. This platform is extremely easy-to-use and doesn’t require any html knowledge. Wordpress possibilities are unlimited and you have the opportunity to create a blog of your dream.

Below is the Infographic of Importing Tumblr to WordPress: Moving to a new level.