Feefo- Can help your business

FEEFO is an online, independent feedback service. It gives customers an independent space to review their experience of dealing with an online supplier. The appeal of FEEFO is that anyone can access the feedback of previous customers. It also uses this feedback to display the up-to-the-minute status of a supplier.

Feefo's ratings and reviews service can help your business in just seven steps. Here is how:
Customer Purchases from your business
Achieving genuine feedback is easy and starts with sending feefo information about your sales transactions.
This data contains information such as the consumer's name, their email address, what they purchased and when. If you choose to include it, further information such as SKU codes and order references will ensure you get hugely valuable reporting.

Feefo invites the customer to leave feedback
Your verified consumers will receive an email asking them for feedback about their purchase.
It is jointly branded, with your company logo as well as Feefo's to show that the service is independent. To achieve a high response rate, we ask only two questions:

  • Rate and comment on the service you experienced.
  • Rate and comment on the products you purchased.

The rating, whether Excellent, Good, Poor or Bad, is represented by icons indicating your consumers' satisfaction of the service and the product received.

Customers' feedback is published
The feedback is published both on Feefo's and the merchant's website, and can be responded to publicly. If the consumer chooses to leave comments for both service and products, you can access a great mechanism to listen to what your consumers have to say. Those consumers that provide a negative rating are required to leave a text comment. Feefo provides every merchant the opportunity to respond to feedback, positive and negative - as this engagement is displayed publicly, Feefo is a great way to demonstrate the quality of your customer service, valuable in convincing consumers to become customers.

Easy integration even at product level
Feefo is easy to deploy and integrate with your website allowing consumers to see ratings and reviews even at a product level, To keep reviews independent they are collated and hosted on our worldwide servers, however, you can use our API integration tools to display the Feefo ratings, right down to an individual product level on your own site. The Feefo rating can be displayed as a percentage, star ratings and the text feedback given - when presented alongside the product purchase point, this can be a powerful convincer for fence-sitting consumers.

Ratings demonstrate trust
Service Ratings are collated and submitted to Google and displayed in Advertiser Ratings as Gold Stars in AdWords campaigns
Google uses Advertiser Ratings to show the consumer opinion of organisations that advertise on the AdWords platform. The Service Ratings collated are converted in to gold stars in ads, universally accepted as a demonstration of quality. Google’s own data suggests that having stars in ads increases the Click-Through Rate by 17% - some of our merchants report even greater improvements. Because the use of stars attracts a higher quality of traffic, the Quality Score also can improve reducing the Cost Per Click. Together, these improvements make the marketing spend of digital advertising more efficient.

Share reviews socially, grow brand visibility
Feedback can be shared socially, allowing new consumers to engage with your brand and visit your website. With the Feefo Facebook app and opportunities to share reviews across Social Networks, you can grow the exposure to your business and help generate an increase in quality traffic. With as many as 79% of consumers reading reviews before buying, your reviews can help influence buying decisions.

Experience the benefits of Feefo
Additionally, the business can achieve other significant benefits: Using the reporting functions within Feefo, you can monitor the consumer experience across your business and generate relevant KPIs. Understanding your consumers perception will benefit your business in many ways from product satisfaction, to departmental or even point of sale performance. If you would like to know how other companies have developed from the use of Feefo, please take a look at the Case Studies and Testimonials or contact us.