How to make your business resilient


A resilient business is a business that can handle change and thrive from it. Its a business what is able to grow and adapt when the business conditions change. Its a business that will make it through tough time - its won't crumble and fail.

I recently attended a talk on how to raise resilient children. It was a fabulous, eye opening talk given by a very experienced physiologist. It got me thinking about how the same principles would apply in business. I think every entrepreneur and small business owner wants to think that their business can handle anything and can stand the test of time.

The three criteria that need to exist for a child to be resilient are:

  1. They have to believe in something greater than themselves

  2. They have to one other person who has said to them "I believe in you"

  3. They have to had encountered adversity

So in the case of a business this could mean:

Greater Purpose and Self Belief

1. As a business owner you need to believe in something greater than yourself. I think it also means that you have to have faith in your own ability and that you need to have a greater purpose that what you are doing in your business.


2. As business owners we all need support. I have had unwavering support from my husband. He has never doubted me or criticized me. He makes me believe that I can do anything. When I have faced challenges in the past we has walked beside as me I have tried to sort through the issues. Do you have someone who believes in you and gives you reassurance?


Adversity is a business context would mean facing business challenges and overcoming them. So often entrepreneurs that are successful in their first business fail in their second when the going gets tough because they don't have the skills to deal with adversity. Knowing how to deal with adversity helps you to get up on difficult mornings. It gives you the confidence to know that you can deal with any situation.

Are you resilient? Is your business resilient?